Sunday, February 20, 2011

So...I haven't kept my promise to update very well, huh. To be honest, there hasn't been that much to update about. But here's a quick rundown of the last few weekends before I get into what's coming up:

  • January 16th: Went to a pantomime/musical production of Cinderella in Brighton for a drama field study. It was terribly sparkly and peppy; not the greatest, but I enjoyed it.
  • January 21st: Went to the National Gallery for an art history field study. Rocked participation (largely because I've done this stuff before, I guess). Prior to that, I had been on the bus going to the geography field study, so I waited around in Hyde Park and took photos of birds and strangers with a brand-new telephoto lens! :D
  • January 23rd: Went on a philosophy field study to the Kelvedon Hatch secret nuclear bunker (not so secret anymore, though). Really interesting, and it was sobering to think of how things would have been during the Cold War, especially if nuclear war ever had started.
  • January 30th: Astronomy field study to the Greenwich Royal Observatory. I stood in both the eastern and western hemispheres at once!
  • February 4th: Brighton cultural studies trip to the Royal Pavilion. I stayed overnight with my friends; we went to a Thai restaurant and then out clubbing, and then went back home in the veeery early morning.
  • February 15th: Finally, the V-Day production! I auditioned back in the first or second week of school and got a part in A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer, and the entire experience of working on the show has just been so amazing. The final performance was fantastic--everyone was wonderful and it was just such a good experience (even when people said things that I...did not agree with).

  • The last week has just been hell week what with all the midterm assignments due--essays for drama, art history, philosophy, and history. But I got them all in, and this weekend has been about enjoying myself--and getting ready for the midterm trip that starts tomorrow!

    I'm going to Brussels for two days, then to Paris until Friday, at which time I'll split off from the group and go back to Brussels for another two days. I just finished booking my train tickets and hostel today--expensive, but I'm really excited. I miss Brussels so much, and what basically amounts to a single day there is not nearly enough. I've already made plans with some of my friends to go to a market in my old neighborhood on Tuesday morning.

    While on the midterm trip, I'll definitely be going to Ypres, Hill 62, the Royal Museum of Central Africa, the Louvre, and the Musee d'Orsay (these are all required field studies). I'm also going on a boat cruise down the River Seine, and hoping to go to Versailles.

    Basically, I'm really really really excited. I'll report back next Sunday or Monday, hopefully!

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    State of the Constitutional Monarchy

    See what I did thar, politics nerds?

    Okay, first week back is officially over. And I just, it feels like it was longer than it was (maybe because I stayed up 'til 5 one night and 4 the next), but it was such a good week. I started classes on a new schedule that requires me to be awake for 8:30 classes on Monday and Tuesday--but 5 o'clock on Wednesday and Thursday. I hung out with my friends a lot. I rewatched old favorite movies. I sang "You Give Love A Bad Name" at karaoke with Erin and danced most of that night away. There's been a negative point or two, but they were unrelated to university itself, so I think I can classify this as a Good Week.

    Here's hoping the rest are just as good. :)

    I haven't updated this blog in a while, I know, and I'm sorry about that. I really am going to try harder this semester! I know I'll definitely have time on Wednesdays and Thursdays (or just Thursdays--I'm applying to volunteer at a cat shelter on Wednesdays), so please, if you want to hear about how things have been going and I haven't updated, just poke me via email or Facebook and I'll write a post.

    All the best to all of you!